Jennifer L. Schorr
VP of Education
Email: jschorr@buckeyehope.org
Jason Moore
Senior Director of Education
Email: jmoore@buckeyehope.org
Dr. Carol Young
Director of Accountability & School Improvement
Email: cyoung@buckeyehope.org
Maureen Barbessi
Director of Compliance
Email: mbarbessi@buckeyehope.org
Hana Chandoul
Strategic Communications Specialist
Email: hchandoul@buckeyehope.org
School Improvement Team
Joni Byus
School Improvement Representative
Email: jbyus@buckeyehope.org
Mindy Farry
School Improvement Representative
Email: mfarry@buckeyehope.org
Sandra Harris
School Improvement Representative
Email: sharris@buckeyehope.org
Illie Massey
School Improvement Representative
Email: imassey@buckeyehope.org
Stan Nicol
Data Analysis and School Accountability
Email: snicol@buckeyehope.org
Dr. Zoe Plotnick
School Improvement Representative
Email: zplotnick@buckeyehope.org
Dane Puterbaugh
School Improvement Representative
Email: dputerbaugh@buckeyehope.org
Brit Seward
School Improvement Representative
Email: bseward@buckeyehope.org
Regional Representatives
Mark Baker
Regional Representative
Email: mbaker@buckeyehope.org
Joe Calinger
Regional Representative
Email: jcalinger@buckeyehope.org
Heather Carney
Regional Representative
Email: hcarney@buckeyehope.org
Emily Puterbaugh
Regional Representative
Email: eputerbaugh@buckeyehope.org
Karen Rose
Regional Representative
Email: krose@buckeyehope.org
Office Assistant